Sunday, February 22, 2009

Oscar Awards Picks - The Major Catagory

My Picks (and comments)

Best Supporting Actor - Heath Ledger (Definitely a deserved nom, but after seeing the other noms in this category I'm not so certain he should win. Phillip Seymour Hoffman and Michael Shannon would be the stronger contenders had Ledger not passed away last year)

Best Supporting Actress - Viola Davis (Everyone has Penelope Cruz as the favorite here but I have to go with Viola Davis. She stole her scenes from Meryl Streep. Nuf said.)

Best Actor - Sean Penn (I'm torn on this one between Penn and Langella but I think the Academy with go with Penn)

Best Actress - Angelina Jolie (Hard choices here. It could just as easily be Meryl Streep)

Best Director - Danny Boyle/Slumdog Millionaire

Best Picture - Slumdog Millionaire

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