Friday, January 2, 2009

Review: Yes Man

Why would someone pay to see Jim Carey's Yes Man? That was the question I asked on Christmas Day. The answer was simply that it was the movie that had seats available at the time we wanted to go see a movie. I am not a fan of Jim Carey. I found his characters on In Living Color obnoxious and creepy. I've found his films to be overdone comedies for the most part. Worst of all I actually paid to see Cable Guy in its initial release (a film that is totally unforgiveable). Obviously my expectations for Yes Man were low at best.

The premise of the film is that a miserable loner afraid of interacting with others attends a self-improvement convention that is based on always saying yes. Carl (Carey) is pressured into making a covenant with himself that forces him to say "yes" to anything that is asked of him. If he says "no" the universe will punish him. The covenant is put to test immediately as he must give a homeless man a ride "home" to the city park. Apparent misfortune (car runs out of gas, cell battery is dead) is actually luck as Carl meets Allison (Zooey Deschanel), a rather odd chic on a motor scooter. The constant barrage of "yes" leads to a romance between the two which is challenged when Carl is arrested by Homeland Security on suspicion of terrorism and Allison finds out why he went out with her.

The film is obviously predictable and draw heavily on Liar Liar (another Carey vehicle). I was confused on more than one occasion when Carl said yes and was lying as I expected him to have to tell the truth also. The romantic storyline could be pulled from any romantic comedy and Carl's rehabilitation from loner to social guy can be seen with your eyes closed.

On the plus side most of Carey's distorted facial expressions have been left to syndicated tv. His performance is much more natural than in past comedies. I found myself liking Carl and wanting him to be able to open up honestly. The chemistry between Carey and Deschanel works. The comedy, while not ROFLMAO, will make you laugh out loud occasionally.

The best part for me was one of the final scenes where the two them barrel down a hill in what looks to be a cross between inline skating and bobsledding. I have to get this equipment and try this sport.

Am I ok with having paid to see this film? Definately. Would I pay to see it again? Probably not. But it did make for a pleasant afternoon.

Image Credit: Wireimage